Carmen Bardeguez-Brown is the author of For the Love of Cooking: Chef Tao, a Memoir (2022). Her published poetry collections include Meditation on Love Dance and Loss (2022); Three Poets/Tres Poetas, a collaboration with Marlena Maduro Baraf and Julio César Paz (2022); Lo que aprendí al otro lado del mundo, a collaboration with author Julio César Paz (2020); Dreaming Rhythms: Despertando el Sueño (2016); and Straight from the Drums (2012). Her poetry appears in several anthologies: Boundaries & Borders: A Literary Exploration of Global Voices, ed. by OyaBisi Ideraabdullah; Musings During a Time of Pandemic: A World Anthology of Poems on COVID-19, ed. by Christopher Okemwa (2021); ¡Manteca! An Anthology of Afro-Latin@ Poets, ed. by Melissa Castillo-Garstow (Arte Publico Press, 2017); and Aloud: Voices from the Nuyorican Poets Cafe edited by Miguel Algarin and Bob Holman (1994).



Meditation on Love, Dancing, Loss, and Forgiveness (2022 Honorable Mention for The Juan Felipe Herrera Best Poetry Book Award by the Latino Inter-national Book Awards) by Carmen Bardeguez-Brown
Three Poets / Tres Poetas
by Carmen Bardequez-Brown, Marlena Maduro Baraf, and Julio César Paz
Lo ue aprendí al otro lado del mundo 
by Carmen Bardequez-Brown and Julio Cesar Paz
For the Love of Cooking: Chef Tai, A Memoir
by Carmen Bardequez-Brown

Dream Rythms: Despertando Silencios
by Carmen Bardequez-Brown
Straight from the Drums
by Carmen Bardequez-Brown

Additional published works:

Big Other, Anthology 2022

Big Other, Puerto Rican Writers Folio: A Hauntology

Konch Magazine, Miguel Algarín: A celebration featuring over 60 writers from across the country.

On the Seawall, You Are Not a Ghost Town

WorkersWrite, Unheard Voices from the Workplace

SeattleScribe, US Latino Poets en español por Xánath Caraza

Cuaderno de literatura, El Bronx

CentroPR, Rican Issues

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